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时间: 2023-12-05 13:17

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μm. For image analysis the data were zero filled to 1024 by 1024 and Fourier transformed after applying a 2D Gaussian filter that attenuated the hi


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November 2022 MOBU 5S ER Index Supplement Addendum dated November 29, 2022.S-1November 2022 MOBU 5S ER Index Supplement AddendumDated November 29, 2022As of Novem


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Hellsten U, Wright KM, Jenkins J, Shu SQ, Yuan YW, Wessler SR, Schmutz J, Willis JH, Rokhsar DS. Fine-scale variation in meiotic recombination in Mi


B-4. Standard Deviation and Correlation Matrix of the 2 3 8 U ( n , ) Cross Sections. Y F1g. B-5. Standard Deviation and Correlation Matrix of the 2 3 9 P u ( n ,

5 Conclusions All of the grand goals for nanoscience are dependent upon reliable ways to fabricate nanostructures. In this review, we have summarized the recent develo



1. Rehman, A.U., Khan, Y., Irfan, M. et al. Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Optical Switch Based on Guided-Mode Resonances in Photonic Crystals. Micromachines, 2023,

